TY - GEN AU - Puche Miranda,Carmen Liliana AU - Restrepo Ruiz,Marisela TI - Challenges when teaching EFL in a post-conflict rural area to foster quality education and reduce inequalities in San Clemente Educational Institution at Tierralta, Córdoba PY - 2024/// CY - Sincelejo PB - Corporación Universitaria del Caribe - CECAR KW - Inglés KW - armarc KW - Conflicto armado KW - Lengua extranjera KW - Enseñanza KW - Desafíos KW - Enseñanza del inglés KW - Post-conflicto KW - Zona rural N1 - Trabajo de grado; Barowski, J., & Grimsley, S. (29 de 10 de 2021). Focus Groups: Definition & Purpose. Obtenido de https://study.com/: https://study.com/learn/lesson/focus-groups-purpose-advantagesdisadvantages.html; Cabrera, J. (2018). Education in Post-Conflict Colombia. USF Scholarship, 71 ; Caro, C. (2022). Rural Community of Practice in Guatavita: EFL Taught from Challenges to Primary Children. 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El estudio investigará factores que influyen en los resultados del aprendizaje del idioma, como la exposición limitada al inglés, la falta de recursos y la necesidad de estrategias de enseñanza culturalmente receptivas. Al abordar estos desafíos, la investigación busca contribuir al desarrollo de programas efectivos de inglés en áreas rurales posconflicto, apoyando la educación y el empoderamiento en estas comunidades; Teaching English as a foreign language in post-conflict rural areas in Colombia presents unique challenges due to the historical context of armed conflict and its impact on education. This research project aims to explore the difficulties faced in teaching English in Tierralta, a municipality in Córdoba, Colombia, which has been deeply affected by violence and displacement. The study will investigate factors influencing language learning outcomes, such as limited exposure to English, lack of resources, and the need for culturally responsive teaching strategies. By addressing these challenges, the research seeks to contribute to the development of effective English language programs in post-conflict rural areas, supporting education and empowerment in these communities ER -